Jordan Battle: Coming Soon To A Football Battleground Near You

Jordan Battle: Coming Soon To A Football Battleground Near You

Jordan Battle

Who is Jordan Battle, and why is Ohio State all over this football player? Surely, there are big reasons to like this up and coming football star. The Buckeyes' latest sign-up has got a lot of things going, making him completely irresistible for the picking.

Battle the Superhero

Not to sound playing hard to get, but Jordan Battle took his sweet time prior to making that Buckeyes commitment. The St. Thomas Aquinas celebrity is a powerhouse judging from his body stats alone. He's raging and ready to do battle with his 185 pounds mass and 6' 2" height.

Jordan Battle is a lean-and-mean fighting machine that in the field translates into the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps going and going when everybody has long given up on the team. The Jordan Battle play stats are a living proof of his fighting stance and readiness for the big leagues. He's Flash Gordon come to life or in the flesh with a speed that is the envy of every young football player.

The trade off is Jordan Battle may still need to pack a punch because he just happens to be not as much of a punching bag as the average player. However, a careful balance needs to be taken. It's so easy to bulk up. But if he were to lose his agility and speed, the Captain America could be losing his charm both for the sport's sake as well as for the ladies always on the watch at his practices and games.

And so right now, Jordan Battle is working on his superhero streak. Which one will he be? And while he's at it, he's still trying to figure out the best way for a man his size and record to handle the field's running backs.

Defensively speaking, his Ohio State patrons aren't worried. They strongly believe that their young man will figure out the best approach out in the field. There's no question that Jordan Battle holds all the aces. It's the balancing act that he needs to nail to a T.

Jordan Battle Ultimate Highlights

Tags: Football High School Ohio State Recruiting

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